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4 Steps to “Get It Done” despite Your Busy Schedule

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that is your own self. ~ Aldous Huxley

One of the most common complaints in today’s world is that we are just too busy to find time for the things that really matter. We are too consumed by our work and then by our responsibilities for our family and society that we get little time for personal enrichment of any kind. We do not find time to pursue our passion.

However, if we managed things in a better way, we could be able to find time for the things that we like to do. It is all about proper management.

Set Priorities

The Problem: You need to be good at your job and providing for your family, but you struggle to find “me time”.

The Solution: We are not asking you to become selfish, but when you are spending the better part of your day at work and a significant amount of time each day performing your various other obligations, schedule at least an hour every day for your personal development. Remember that improving self is extremely vital.

Your Time is an Asset

Decide what you want to do with your time each day and invest it wisely. Are you going to enrich yourself in some way? You may be planning to do something creative or just become more productive. When you know what you want and you are willing to go after it, you begin to view your time as an asset.

Make a Commitment

Just as you commit to perform all your other jobs, make a commitment to yourself as well. Commit that you will spend at least 1 hour each day enriching yourself. This time could be when you return home from your office or it can be early morning. But, promise yourself that you will spend an hour on self-improvement and stick to that vigorously.

Ask Others

Ask people you trust what changes they want to see in you. Ask them what they think you are good at. Your trusted friends and confidants will tell you the truth about what they want you to do. They will help shape your understanding on how you need to improve on your noted talents.

There is only one you in the world. Take the time to shape and mold yourself to be your very best.

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5 Ways To Develop A “Get It Done” Attitude!

1. Take consistent little action steps:

The steps to bringing discipline to one’s business are similar to growing up in life; both require consistent small steps. One cannot achieve success in being disciplined over night. Many people try using overnight methods and fail miserably and out of frustration return back to their undisciplined life. It takes time to develop discipline and one needs to be determined. You could begin with the smallest thing possible like exercising for 15 minutes everyday or getting up 30 minutes prior to the time you do now. It could be reducing the number of cups of coffee you drink in a day, even if it is reducing the number by one every week. The basic rule is to take smaller steps and try reaching your goal.

2. Do not procrastinate:

It is a good idea to place things on a “get it done” list and then decide on taking action on achieving these items immediately. Try to set a deadline and promise yourself to stick to the plan of action until you achieve your goal. Avoid procrastination; it makes the path to developing a “get it done” attitude take longer. Once you are successful with little goals, it strengthens inner resolve; helps set more goals and helps in achieving them.

3. Every day changes:

It is a good idea to start with a smaller goal to move toward discipline. It can be as small as waking up at 5am to do your personal growth study or waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual to perform some exercise. Every day must be taken into account; if a day is skipped the discipline level falls and it will weaken your determination to achieve the goals you have set.

4. Visualize your final achievement:

Take time and visualize how it would feel to achieve yours goals and remember it will only be possible if you take smaller daily action steps. If you know what it would take to achieve a particular goal make an outline and take action to immediately set out to achieve. The visualization process helps you to focus and maintain your goal even if you get distracted.

5. Get someone to mentor you:

If you could get someone to record your progress, it would definitely help. It could be a professional or a friend. Having a mentor has many positives; firstly, for example, you would be less likely to procrastinate when you have someone vested to hold you accountable.

Be Resilent

Resilience may be the single most important emotional factor affecting YOUR success. Without resilience, we quickly fall prey to self-sabotaging messages that grow from the soil of failure & disappointment.

Be RESILENT and Order Built To Prosper Magazine Get Your Copy Today!!!! ===>

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The Joy of Healthy Living is featured in Built To Prosper Magazine

We just got the numbers for Built To Prosper Magazine, it is amazing the sales are through the roof. We appreciate all support around the globe: England, India, Japan, Puerto Rico, Germany, Spain & Australia. We are grateful and thankful. If you haven’t got a copy: Order Yours Today:

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Raise Healthy Children in 2013

According to the Children’s Health Study…Children who take Juice Plus+® are:

* Eating less fast food and more fruits and vegetables
* Drinking fewer soft drinks and more water
* Visiting the doctor less and attending school more.

With every Adult order of Juice Plus you will receive a FREE order of Juice Plus for your child up to the age of 18 or in College! ===>


Top 10 Reasons You Do Your Body Good when eating Vegetables

Top 10 Reasons You Do Your Body Good when eating Vegetables! Connect with us for support with your 2013 goals: #TheJoyofHealthyLiving

The 9 Steps To…The Joy of Healthy Living

The 9 Steps To… The Joy of Healthy Living! Many people ignore the joy of healthy living in the quest to earn money. Though earning is important, it is necessary to eat right for life as well. There is no use in leading an unhealthy life that is often prone to illnesses irrespective of how much more money you earn. ~The Joy of Healthy Living…Without Health There Is No Wealth!